A song about love
This single will feature on a future album, currently in production.
It’s a song for my long term partner about some events at the start of our relationship, when I think I lost my mind a bit.
The main hook of the guitar and the final drum and bass section existed as a loop for many weeks, and they just didn’t quite match vibes. For a few days I played around with many ideas until I found this verse/bridge sort of structure to put between them.
In terms of production, it is a song I’d like to rerecord the vocals now that I have taught myself a bit more about that side of things. Singing is certainly something I never envisioned doing on songs. Then it needs to be remastered to fix the low mids and bass.
If you listen carefully at the end, which is my favourite part, in a take of the ‘light grey blue eyes’ I actually laughed because I kept saying the next line wrong and it was making me chuckle. Something I kept in the song as it was a fun time when I came up with, and sang that part.